Production thoughts

Heading into the studio again this weekend , I realise we are really in production now.
Things are moving so fast and it's scary and exciting again at once. I am also working on a smaller project with Ross Stewart these days which is equally exciting but it's a very busy creative period. Here's some of the very earliest beat boards I was doing a couple of years ago when things were much quieter and I wasn't sure if we would ever be financed and in production, in some ways the hectic schedule is welcome , it means we move fast and make decisions and move on . It's very different to development and preproduction , all the planning , dreaming and inventing is now focused on details and singular scenes and shots ... Even if it seems very early days in many ways we are halfway thru making the film, the animatic is done , the voices are recorded , the main themes of the music have been worked out. In terms of the visuals it's all about finding elegant simple solutions and keeping focused on telling the story as well as we can.

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