A day in the Saloon

Since most of our team have either left for home or new projects in the studio i took a few snaps the other day in the saloon. We have a few seqs left to be animated in house , Sean McCarron and Sandra Anderson  will continue until the end of next month with myself and Fabian hopefully getting to animate a couple of scenes too. We have an amazing group of interns from Viborg in Denmark helping out too , doing clean up and some animation, without Clara, Anne Katrine , Edith and Dionysus I dont know how we would have managed it. We have been lucky as well to have Galway girl Grainne Fordham helping out too. 

Ciaran Duffy continues to work on some remaining key bgs and checking the clean line bgs from Luxembourg , Adrien is kept busy with the final colour bgs and helping me check the compositing as it arrives in.
And luckily Alice Dieudonne has been able to continue her work on the watercolour seqs from Japan ;-) 

Anyway here are some snaps -
Marion Roussel finished up this week and headed home to France she did amazingly spirited and beautifully drawn work on posing and animation. During the production she decorated her desk with funny gag drawings from some scenes she worked on - 

Then theres our intrepid efx supervisor Jeremy Purcell who is still keeping an eye on things with Mark Mullery doing a lot of the prop and vehicle animation in Anime Studio .

Heres clara cleaning up a scene in tvpaint -

And heres Anne Katrine-

And Dionysus -

And last but not least Edith -

Big thanks to you all!!!

Heres Walter working on one of the last scenes he animated on Song , he will be going back onto Mooneboy soon so he will be continuing to animate to young David Rawles voice tracks for a while yet :-)

Heres Sean McCarron animating on the last sequences - these were ones I was boarding when we both visited Norlum during early preproduction to discuss how we would manage working with Tvpaint to produce the quality needed in the time we had to do it in. Solutions discussed then are really coming into play now - I don't think we could have pulled it off in the same timeframe on paper to the same standard. At the time Sean volunteered to animate the underwater scenes I was boarding - and now he's finally onto them .

Colour sketches by Lily Bernard who is now hard at work designing the world of Puffin Rock - these scenes are actually already almost complete in composit - hard to believe really -

A concept painting by Ross Stewart from about two years ago - Ross is codirecting with me on the section of "The Prophet" feature film at the moment. 

A painting by Amelie Flechais on my much neglected animation disk..

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