
Perpignan by night 

Beautiful surroundings of serges place in the mountains near Perpignan 

Art director Adrien Merigeau and Jennifer Evans in Paris .

The library in the Irish cultural centre where we did interviews.

Song of the sea books in sale at salon du livres on Sunday where I had a signing session with Nolwenn.

The Paris premiere audience 

Liselott and Adrien as seals 

Outside the cinema where we had the French premiere 

From Paris to Perpignan this week - I'm busy with the imminent release here - our French producers and distributors , super prod and haut et court have been doing a great job with the publicity prior to the release here next week. Our star voice actor and singer Nolwenn LeRoy has been extremely kind in promoting Somg of the Sea on her many media appearances recently and I had a few fun interviews with her in the Irish cultural centre on Monday and Tuesday. 
The premiere on Sunday was a great success in a beautiful cinema on the champs élysées and we had a lovely appreciative crowd of both kids and adults in attendance as well as many of our French crew.

Today I'm in Perpignan with serge UME our Belgian partner who is living here now and starting a new studio here. We have a screening tonight for studios of the region and students and family's from Perpignan. The first day i landed here the jetlag caught up to me and with the quiet and peace of the French countryside instead of the usual hubbub of cities outside my window I slept almost 18 hours! 

Song of the Sea on the Champs Elysses 

Nolwenn at the Irish cultural centre 

Evidence of Machas owls - Irish cultural centre 

Joint interview at the library - I had to paint a picture for nolwenn on camera - no pressure

The chapel in the Irish cultural centre 

Nolwenn in the telly talking about le chant de la mer

Veronique and Serge Ume with me at the lidem animation school industry conference in Perpignan 

Promotional artwork on the doors of a cinema in Paris 

Serge the Seal and Tomm the Seal will star in the prequel/ spinoff TV series beginning of the franchise planned for release next year. (Sarcasm)

Exhibition in the cinema in Perpignan 

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